Friday, March 02, 2007


I'm in love with Crumpler Bags! There, I said it. I went into the west village the other day to pick up my new camera bag at the Crumpler store. I first saw these bags at PhotoExpo last November and bought just a small one to carry my video camera in. And since then, have kept dreaming of this backpack that I don't have to actually take off my back to get to my equipment. What I like most about this is that it doesn't really look like a camera bag and it has a compartment to carry other things (like diapers, wipes & snacks for Olivia) while we're on our excursions! So I just wanted to welcome my new "customary barge" into our camera bag family.

1 comment:

Mary Marantz said...

ooh sounds cool! you'll have to bring it to the next meeting so we can check it out!